Posted by: KV Kurnool Information Centre | 26/08/2009

speed reading

One of the best ways to save time is to do speed reading. When you read fast, you can get a rough idea of what material is presented to be read. Remember, speed reading is not an alternative to normal reading, but actually an exercise to make normal reading more effective. How to red faster ? ? ?
The technique of speed reading involves the use of any finger. You need to train your eyes to follow your finger and after that as you increase the speed of your finger. You will be able to read faster. Now keep your finger just below the line you are starting with. Move your finger as you read. Do this for at least 10 minutes and then start increasing the speed of your finger. Measurements of word speeds indicate upto 50% increase in speed. Super students don’t necessarily read at super speeds. But being able to cope up with fast speeds, they can grasp more at slower reading speeds. This makes their reading effective.

-sangam srinivas, librarian, kv knl


  1. fine. Readying maketh a ready man
    Experience a perfect man.
    your ideas are good. Keep it up

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